greg plitt, arnold, power lifting, comparison.

What kind of training should you do?

So many different kind of training is available now that I am also confuse what kind of training is right for me. We have yoga, CrossFit, Power lifting, bodybuilding style, Running, Calisthenics, high intensity interval training (hiit)
and some suggest just swinging the kettle bell at home for a workout.

The main thing that I want to touch on is what do you want to achieve out of the workout. Have a open mind to it. For example if you want to build muscle on your upper body, you can’t be only doing only running everyday and none of your upper body muscle is work then no muscle will grow

Different kind of training engage your different muscle group, most of the people actually have a mixture of high weight and low rep for strength mixed together with high rep and moderate weight for your endurance muscle.

For myself I like to mix around different kind of workout to shock my body. To make sure that all kinds of muscle fiber is hit. Keeping an open mind is certainly very important, reading on the Web and saying oh this bodybuilder did this kind of training and he is like this, so his workout surely will be able to get me to his size. But remember we only see that one hour of his workout, thru out the day you don’t know what else he is doing! He may have other secret training that he don’t wish to reveal.

likewise during cutting phase, you can see a lot of people doing depleting workout, super high reps but did you see what they did before the training?

To me there is no right or wrong training, every kind of training has its own strength. If you see results, just keep on doing. Just my take.

I Recently have been doing a 4 sets routine.

first set light weight for 20 reps

2nd set 15 reps

3rd set 10 reps

and end off with super heavy 5 reps

if you are unable to complete the reps, pause for 5 to 10 sec and continue.

i ensure that all my muscle group is hit. Give it a try.