grit singapore

Singapore Gym Review – Grit, Training for Warriors

Grit has been rebranded to Field Assembly on 2018 and they have move to


Grit – Training for warriors is a place that uses the training for warriors methodology. They train athlete (including NFL, Olympic, NBA, MLB, UFC) and people of any sports level all around the world,to help them improve in their sports and physical health. One good example will be the head coach of Grit, Gene who has been training using the methodology of training for warriors for several years and has recently gotten champion for his Fight Competition. More details of their trainer can be found here.

If you are someone looking to improve your health and you want to be able to focus better during your work. This is the place for you! I am sure, after a good workout here, you will feel less of your back aches, loosen up those stiff neck and you will definitely look better.

Located 15min from Raffles Place Mrt Station, 39D North Canal Road, Singapore, S059295

Phone: 6536-5053, Email:

grit singapore training for warrior
grit singapore training for warrior
grit singapore training for warrior
grit singapore training for warrior

I like the part where before you actually start with the training everyone needs to start with a assessment regardless of your training level. This assessment involves some basic movement to see if you have any mobility issue so to prevent any possible chances of you getting injured during the training and of cause your level of fitness to determine how hard you have to go during the workout!! So we did a few squats, push up, lunges and pull up to test our mobility and level of fitness.

After the assessment, workout begin with a series of warm up movement. Many places or personal trainer actually neglect the warm up part, which is very important in my opinion. A proper warm up gets your muscle ready and prepared for the workout.

Grit only accepts 4 person in a class at one go, so Coach Gene can focus on you and ensure that you are performing the exercise correctly. So for a class of 4, we split up in 2 group. Workout consist of 3 sets of superset exercise. First is a ball overhead hold 30sec superset with dumbbell thruster, next up deadlift superset with wall run and lastly Trx Row superset explosive push up with a 5 second on the negative. We did 4 rounds of each superset.

grit singapore training for warrior
grit singapore training for warrior
grit singapore
Looking beastly here
push up grit singapore
See me FLYYY
row grit singapore
row grit singapore

We ended our workout with a couple of cool down stretches, workout time is around 45min. Workout intensity depends on how hard individual pushes during the workout, if you feel stronger that day, push a little harder. Contact them today for a free trial, simply fill up the form in the link and they will get back to you. Click here for your free trial.

grit schedule
grit schedule