Article Supplement

How to save more when buying supplements with NutriFirst.

NutriFirst, heechai, nutrifirst.net, singapore online supplement store

How to get more from NutriFirst.

1. Try to spend at least a $100 each time to receive a $5 credit, free sample and a free delivery to your home!

2. Purchase in bulk together with your friends. Hitting $200 entitled you to a additional free gift and by hitting $500 you get to select a free gym bag!

3. Stay with NutriFirst! Loyalty member discount given to members who hit a certain total amount! $2000 – 2%, $5000 – 5% and $10,000 – 10%

4. Purchase Bundle deals at Nutrifirst.

Why NutriFirst?

1. NutriFirst Staff

NutriFirst Staff are all Fitness enthusiast, they go to the gym, take supplements and take care of their health. We always make sure that we know what we are selling.

Team NutriFirst

2. NutriFirst Showroom

NutriFirst open up a showroom specially to cater for customer who likes to hold and feel the products. Our Friendly staff will also provide free supplement consultation over at our showroom.

Nutrifirst showroom, heechai, wholesale supplement, nutrifirst.net, barnabas huang
NutriFirst Showroom

3. NutriFirst Care

We do reply to customer inquiries on fitness and supplements thru Facebook messages, phone calls (+65 67440600) and emails. Email is only replied by certified fitness instructors, so you can be sure that the answer you get is reliable.


4. Shut Up and Train – by NutriFirst

Using Products from NutriFirst like MusclePharm shaker, Tshirt, Universal Tshirt, Animal series apparels and gasp makes us a community. I know when i see people using Better Bodies belt, Gasp Branch Warren Wrist Wraps, Shut up and train singlet and NutriFirst Shaker we are one family.

nutrifirst, shut up and train

5. NutriFirst Largest online supplement store

With the widest range of products, you will be able to get all the help you need to grow at NutriFirst. Always trying to bring in the latest and most popular products. Some New brand that NutriFirst recently gotten is Musclepharm, Universal, BPI, Jay cutler, Gasp and Better Bodies do check them out at www.nutrifirst.net

6. Next day delivery.

Place an order today and your supplement will arrive to you the next day! Order above $100 and get a free delivery. NutriFirst deliver anywhere in singapore, be it your office, your house, even construction site! 3 hour time slot available starting from 930am and ending at 7-10pm.



Wholesales Manager at NutriFirst.net

For that burst, there is NutriFirst.


Article Workout Tips

Body Check after different diet


From left to right 68kg, 72kg, 70kg, 72kg, 71kg
First photo was taken around last year march. I just started working at NutriFirst and I wanted to get a better body.
2 months later I bulk up to 72kg and subsequently i continued bulking to 74kg by eating like 3000 calories everyday with the help of pass gainers and a lot of food. I don’t really watch my diet but i try to avoid deep fried food, high sugar (canned drinks) or processed food (hotdog, MacDonald)
3rd photo was after the standard chartered marathon in 2012. That time i drop my weight all the way to 68 kg for the run. It was pretty easy for me to lose muscle weight, i stop eating high amount of calories and totally stop lifting weights for one month and I drop about 6kg. After the marathon i started doing my usual bulking but this time, i did not use a mass gainer as i am able get my calories from food alone. 4th photo is around MAY.
The last photo is the most recent one for 2 July 2013. Where i started my intermittent fasting.
Article Workout Tips

Intermittent fasting -Week2- Vascularity

Recently i am really addicted to getting more vascular.

How can you get more veins to show?

  1. high protein low carb diet
  • it will help your body to use more fats as energy instead of using carbs. This is especially helpful is you workout fasted in the morning, working fasted in the morning is said to be able to increase fat burn by 20% more than normal workout timing!
  • shred more fats
    • the main reason why your veins is showing is because your fats is thinning out. you hardly see fat people with veins right.
  • take some Nitric Oxide supplement like arginine product
    • Arginine is a vasodilator. it helps to relax the blood vessel and increase blood flow.
    • http://www.nutrifirst.net/view_products.asp?catid=39&categoryname=NO2-NitricOxide
  • Lift heavy ass weight with proper form
    • if you are lifting heavy with proper form you will be putting the muscle under a more stressful environment in turn tearing more muscle fiber. To recover yourself during workout the body will call more blood to flow to that particular muscle group (the pump). therefore it creates more vascularity.
    Article Workout Tips

    3rd week intermittent fasting

    Doing intermittent fasting for 16(fasted)/8(feast) hour or sometimes 18/6 hour. I dont have a fix plan it really depends on how hungry i feel each day.

    i really do feel more vascular now and more definition is coming out. weight did increase by a bit.
    but normally we dont only go by how much weight you increased, it is not that accurate become what we want now is only muscle gain.

    muscle gain and fat lost so weight will be hover around the same. if my prediction is right, after dropping a few more percentage of body fat, we weight should start to rise. Shall see how it goes!

    All the best people.

    Article Supplement

    Should you replace your meals with protein shake/mass gainer

    Should you replace your meal with mass gainer or protein shake? The answer is no, you still need to get your vitamins and minerals from the food that you take in. Protein powder and mass gainer is a supplement it is suppose to be an addition to help with your diet and not to replace it! Same as meal replacement powder it will be good to use it on a 2 day on 1 day off basis and only use it to replace your dinner.

    Article Supplement

    universal – animal pak

    a multi vitamin supplement amino acid,vitamins, digestive support and body detoxing

    a total of 11 pills to swallow.
    the pill are actually pretty huge, if you cannot swallow normal pills do not try this.

    question : is it normal to get yellow piss from animal pak
    yes, its because of the excessive amount of Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

    is it harmful?

    no, unless you really overdose it too much if not it will just excrete through the unrine.