singapore strongman classic

Strongman for You for Me for Everyone at TheCathay

singapore strongman classic
singapore strongman classic


Today i am here attending the Singapore Strongman Classic organized by TheCathay Singapore, and Singa-Sports. Official media livefitter and Strongman event requires the participant to of course lfit heavy stuff, it looks like its a event only for those real man to take part.

singapore strongman classic
singapore strongman classic
singapore strongman classic
singapore strongman classic

To me strongman event can actually be for everyone, and people should consider adding it into their training. This not only makes training more fun, but it also strengthen muscle that you never use before. Strongman event like farmers walk, stones lift can be really functional as well. It can help with your daily activities like when you are shopping with your girlfriends or when your friends is drunk at the party. Okay just kidding..


but hey training now needs to be creative, its not longer building muscle that looks good only, but you need to be mobile and balance.

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