Intermittent fasting -Week2- Vascularity

Recently i am really addicted to getting more vascular.

How can you get more veins to show?

  1. high protein low carb diet
  • it will help your body to use more fats as energy instead of using carbs. This is especially helpful is you workout fasted in the morning, working fasted in the morning is said to be able to increase fat burn by 20% more than normal workout timing!
  • shred more fats
    • the main reason why your veins is showing is because your fats is thinning out. you hardly see fat people with veins right.
  • take some Nitric Oxide supplement like arginine product
    • Arginine is a vasodilator. it helps to relax the blood vessel and increase blood flow.
  • Lift heavy ass weight with proper form
    • if you are lifting heavy with proper form you will be putting the muscle under a more stressful environment in turn tearing more muscle fiber. To recover yourself during workout the body will call more blood to flow to that particular muscle group (the pump). therefore it creates more vascularity.

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